Concert: Lloyd Dunn US/CZ & Michal Kindernay CZ – Sea Blindness No. 3 / Supported by the Agosto Foundation / 1 Dec / BMC
Michal Kindernay is an intermedia artist, curator and performer. His audio-visual installations interconnect art, technology and science. He reflects ecological issues through various technological approaches in relation to nature environment. His works include video performances, interactive installations or experimental documentary projects or sound compositions. He is one of the founders or yo-yo non profit culture organisation, RurArtMap project and he was part of Školská 28 gallery collective in Prague. He is an external teacher in Centre of Audiovisual Studies in Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts and in new Masters program in Prague College. As organiser or artist he was involved in many international projects. He works and lives in Prague. Source: frontiers-of-solitude.org
“SoundMaps. I draw on the sound map of the city. Silently, along quiet places. Quickly, over the loud and shrill. I divide sound drawings into those that are intertwined threads and those that are indicated by traces. The threads are not linear; I hear them in roots, rhizomes, urban mycelium. Traces are on every step, they form urban structures; they trace the streets, quarters and housing estates. I hear their calm zones and also the noise barriers. I search for shortcuts from the system, how not to collide with the sound veins of the city, how to penetrate the organic structure. As a walker / urban hunter during the tracking the quietude / an animal, I search for easily overlooked imprints of sounds in the urban noise and the colors of the endangered sound spectrum.
I’m working on longterm project of Soundmaps. I develop a special tool and it differs from exhibition to exhibition. Some of it you can see here.
I recently finished a paper about several soundwalks I did in Budapest and with recordings. I also did recently audiovisual performance SeaBlindness related to sound pollution in the oceans.” (MK)